Flash Story
Quando l’aragosta era cibo per detenuti
Domiziano, da “dominus et deus” alla damnatio memoriae
World Press Photo 2023, il mondo raccontato per immagini
PerCorti di Vita a Torino
Lucia Annunziata racconta gli “inquilini” degli ultimi 10 anni
Hybris di Rezza e Mastrella a teatro, i due lati della porta
Eminem, 50 anni del bianco che ha segnato il rap
Rachel Carson, agli albori dell’ambientalismo moderno
Il Pride di Bologna e il suo orgoglio
Sheila Ribeiro, arte che invita al “non-dominio sulle cose”
World Press Photo, il fotogiornalismo del 2021
Dario Argento al Museo del Cinema di Torino
Non mi lascio commuovere dalle fotografie – la mostra per i 100 anni di Pasolini
Anni Interessanti, l’Italia 1960-1975
Armi biologiche: da Wuhan alla guerra in Ucraina
Romics, dai Millennials alla Generazione Z
Sport e politica, l’arma del boicottaggio
Se i proverbi se la prendono (solo) con le donne
Il dispotico smartphone
La “dittatura” del politicamente corretto (nun se po’ più dì)
Perché ci sentiamo in obbligo di giustificare il violento?
0 like prateek katyal
Il giornalismo sui social e la gestione del conflitto
logo mundialito 1980
Uruguay 1980, the P2 Lodge, football and the Gold Cup (on TV)
“Definire è limitare”
Bambine-streghe, quando le “catene del pregiudizio” sono reali
Inferno a Roma, quando il Diavolo non ci faceva paura
Trascrittori forensi, “chiediamo giustizia alla Giustizia”
“Duel” a Palazzo Merulana, Amici miei vs Compagni di scuola
new york skyline 11 settembre torri gemelle
11 settembre 2001, i 20 anni dall’attentato
rambaldi profondo rosso
Horror movies, the fine line between trash and cult
Europei di calcio, dalla Guerra Fredda all’edizione condivisa
Trap, giovani e società

Categoria: Stereotype-in-English

Fast fashion, if ethics is not a trend

Fast fashion was created in the Nineties thanks to brands that proposed a recognizable and low cost dressing style. It developed through these decades following high-fashion, but remaining much cheaper and most of all it changed timing. Collections went from two cycles a year (basically summer and winter) to almost weekly ones, for a constant renovation of the store shelves. Sustainability is the other side of the coin, though

Hollywood, from a prohibitionist village to the star system

Looking at all the stories of alcohol and/or drugs addiction that affect the showbiz, it’s hard to believe that Hollywood was founded with the purpose to create a prohibitionist town. At the end of the XIX century, the entrepreneur Harvey Henderson Wicox, during the honeymoon, is convinced by his wife Daeida Hartell to buy an area of 50 hectares to establish an oasis free from alcohol…

This is Halloween

Not totally pagan or Christian, Halloween is one of the many examples of religious syncretism. Rooted in Celtic and therefore pre-Christian traditions, Halloween was “resumed” during the VIII century by the monk Alcuin of York, who superimposed All Saints’ Day to the celebrations of Samhain, a joyful memory of the dearly departed. The name itself Halloween is the contraction of All Hallow’s Eve…

You can’t be neutral on a moving train

Historians, such as journalists, focus on the most important people. “What really matters are the countless small deeds of unknown people who lay the basis for the events of human history”, Howard Zinn once said. Why did he write a history book? Because there wasn’t any like it. It’s A people’s history of the United States, published in 1980 and corner stone of this specific sector. Because Zinn was one of those who changed the narration perspective, placing the last ones with the greatest characters…

The law of Jante

We are used to think of Scandinavian Social Democracies as one of the best political models around the world, able to conjugate collectivism and liberalism. It’s a common belief that the main pillar of Social Democracy is the Law of Jante, a decalogue created by the Danish writer Aksel Sandemose in his novel of 1933 A Fugitive Crosses His Tracks…

Fake news, fake problem

Fake news are the alarm of the last few years. A BBC survey, conducted in 18 countries, revealed that 78% of the interviewed feels worried because of the spreading of misinformation. But the real question, in the end, is: do fake news have an actual role in influencing elections, like Donald Trump or Brexit? Or is it just an easy scapegoat to divert attention from personal responsibilities and much deeper social and cultural issues?

1816, the year without summer

1816 had been the year without summer because of the eruption of Tambora, that caused hundred thousand dead people all over the world for dearth and famine, due to the sudden cooling. But even from such a catastrophe, something positive stem. Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, for the dark mood of the season, the Flemish painters got inspired by the particular sunsets, the ancestor of the bicycle was invented…

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