Flash Story
Quando l’aragosta era cibo per detenuti
Domiziano, da “dominus et deus” alla damnatio memoriae
World Press Photo 2023, il mondo raccontato per immagini
PerCorti di Vita a Torino
Lucia Annunziata racconta gli “inquilini” degli ultimi 10 anni
Hybris di Rezza e Mastrella a teatro, i due lati della porta
Eminem, 50 anni del bianco che ha segnato il rap
Rachel Carson, agli albori dell’ambientalismo moderno
Il Pride di Bologna e il suo orgoglio
Sheila Ribeiro, arte che invita al “non-dominio sulle cose”
World Press Photo, il fotogiornalismo del 2021
Dario Argento al Museo del Cinema di Torino
Non mi lascio commuovere dalle fotografie – la mostra per i 100 anni di Pasolini
Anni Interessanti, l’Italia 1960-1975
Armi biologiche: da Wuhan alla guerra in Ucraina
Romics, dai Millennials alla Generazione Z
Sport e politica, l’arma del boicottaggio
Se i proverbi se la prendono (solo) con le donne
Il dispotico smartphone
La “dittatura” del politicamente corretto (nun se po’ più dì)
Perché ci sentiamo in obbligo di giustificare il violento?
0 like prateek katyal
Il giornalismo sui social e la gestione del conflitto
logo mundialito 1980
Uruguay 1980, the P2 Lodge, football and the Gold Cup (on TV)
“Definire è limitare”
Bambine-streghe, quando le “catene del pregiudizio” sono reali
Inferno a Roma, quando il Diavolo non ci faceva paura
Trascrittori forensi, “chiediamo giustizia alla Giustizia”
“Duel” a Palazzo Merulana, Amici miei vs Compagni di scuola
new york skyline 11 settembre torri gemelle
11 settembre 2001, i 20 anni dall’attentato
rambaldi profondo rosso
Horror movies, the fine line between trash and cult
Europei di calcio, dalla Guerra Fredda all’edizione condivisa
Trap, giovani e società

Categoria: Stereotype-in-English

Coronavirus, a chance to walk on the other side

When the whole world was looking at Italy with worry, the virus was spreading everywhere else. This is because that worry wasn’t always “genuine”, but more often led by a stereotypical consideration of Italy, (one of) the“open flank” of Europe. With all the lack of controls and weak structures… (allusion by some news from England), being the country of disorganization and slowness “par excellence” (tacit from some French news). And this attitude came also from our debate. Is this disturbing? Yes, because it doesn’t tell the whole story…

Nouri Bouzid, facing any taboo in the Arab world

“In our tradition there is a strange reversal of roles, where the rapist is proud and the victim must be ashamed”. I remember once, when I returned to my city in Sfax, I met my brother and other friends and acquaintances playing cards in a bar. I joined them, and I recognized someone who had been a rapist when we were younger, even though he was a few years older than me. Well, at a certain point he said to me, and repeated it several times, without anyone reacting in any way: “if I had raped you as a young man, you would not have had the courage to open your mouth now”…

Nuovi media, vecchie criticità

Siamo abituati a pensare che internet prima e i social network poi abbiano rivoluzionato e democratizzato il mondo dell’intrattenimento e dell’informazione, rendendo obsoleto ogni altro media antecedente. Ovviamente non è così, non del tutto almeno. Perché se il mezzo è certamente più rapido e capillare, le dinamiche alle spalle sono grosso modo sempre le stesse…

Beard trends through History

The symbolism assumed by the beard affected trends and fashion throughout centuries. Growing one could have been seen as a sign of poverty like in ancient Egypt, of rebellion like during the Italian Risorgimento or of a lack of hygiene like during proto-Christianity. The Roman emperor Julian the Apostate even wrote a satire against the beard detractors (Mispogon)…

The vegan is not an idiot

It’s a classic: vegetarianism (no to meat) and veganism (no to any animal derivative), have just defeated the oldest stereotype of “they are bad for children health” and are almost recognized as better diets, that TV and media in general are starting to unleash the baddest “carnivores” (usually men) against the most docile and defenseless herbivores (usually women). As if the clash between these, if then a clash must exist, were placed on the level of “sensitivity” and “being strong”, and so on with other cliches…

Mass tourism, detrimental and democratic

Changing is scary, it’s a natural feeling. Mass tourism is a product of social, economic, geographic transformations and adjustment takes time, resources and efforts. So, in the name of an unbearable status quo, the problem is reduced to elitist positions that go against those who, just few years ago, could only have dreamed of a day trip…

I hate the mobile phone, don’t you?

Roma, Italy. A cellphone rings in a crowded bus. A boy takes it out of his pocket, turns the ringer off, and puts it back in place. The lady pressed up against him smiles and, with a sort of complicity, asks: “You don’t feel like answering, do you?” “No, now it’s not really the moment”. She sighs as a sign of understanding and comments “I’m not saying it’s not useful… but sometimes the phone is just a real hassle!”, “Yeah” he says while others around silently nod…

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