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Quando l’aragosta era cibo per detenuti
Domiziano, da “dominus et deus” alla damnatio memoriae
World Press Photo 2023, il mondo raccontato per immagini
PerCorti di Vita a Torino
Lucia Annunziata racconta gli “inquilini” degli ultimi 10 anni
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Il Pride di Bologna e il suo orgoglio
Sheila Ribeiro, arte che invita al “non-dominio sulle cose”
World Press Photo, il fotogiornalismo del 2021
Dario Argento al Museo del Cinema di Torino
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Anni Interessanti, l’Italia 1960-1975
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Romics, dai Millennials alla Generazione Z
Sport e politica, l’arma del boicottaggio
Se i proverbi se la prendono (solo) con le donne
Il dispotico smartphone
La “dittatura” del politicamente corretto (nun se po’ più dì)
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0 like prateek katyal
Il giornalismo sui social e la gestione del conflitto
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Uruguay 1980, the P2 Lodge, football and the Gold Cup (on TV)
“Definire è limitare”
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11 settembre 2001, i 20 anni dall’attentato
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Horror movies, the fine line between trash and cult
Europei di calcio, dalla Guerra Fredda all’edizione condivisa
Trap, giovani e società

Categoria: Stereotype-in-English

Well, the one on the left was on the right…

In Italy, the matter of what is the right and what is the left suggests the approach of the 5 Stars Movement or a famous song by Giorgio Gaber, who 20 years ago sang that the differences between right and left were already minimal…

Femicide, men used to hate women

We can guess that (almost) all of us went through this at least once in our life. It might not strictly a violence, but maybe a boyfriend a little too “jealous” (not to say “possessive”), a husband who checks your email, the one who likes making scenes in the middle of the street, the ex who calls you a thousand times to find out where you are, the half unknown who has decided to skulk outside your house…

Kajillionaire, the scam (of feelings) is in the family

She makes one movie every 5 – 10 years, but when it comes out… she strikes again: Miranda July with her third feature film “Kajillionaire”, presented for schools at the Rome Film Festival. In Italian it is presented with the addition of the subtitle “La truffa è di famiglia!”, (“The scam is in the family!”), trying to put a meaning next to a word that has none even in English… pure American slang to indicate “someone absurdly rich”. After billions and trillions, only the “ka-jing” sound from the comics remained! It could be heard when the old cash registers were opened…

The stereotype, “a snap judgment against the imperfect perfection”

“Stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination are often conceived as correlated, even if they express different concepts: stereotypes are a cognitive component, it is how our brain normally handles information, often without real awareness; prejudice is the affective component of this “stereotype”; finally, discrimination is the behavioral part that follows the prejudicial reactions”…

Life in the abyss, more than “primordial monsters”

There was a reason if before 1872, when the Challenger Expedition was over, it was thought that the oceanic abyss was inhabited. How can a living being survive without solar energy and light and with an unbearable pressure? Then the British oceanographic study brought to light thousand of undiscovered species and that started a slow yet inexorable progress in scientific research, adding more and more pieces to the puzzle…

Mahi Binebine, “the big jump” of suicide bombers

“Maybe Hell is the inability to change things. Instead faith made us see Heaven”. A kamikaze speaks and does so in the book by Mahi Binebine, a former student and professor of mathematics in Paris and today a painter and writer in New York. Born in Marrakech in 1959…

New media, old issues

We’re used to think that first internet and then the social media revolutionized and democratized the entertainment and the information world, making any other previous media obsolete. But that’s not fully correct, because, if the tool is surely way faster and more widespread, dynamics behind its use are basically the same as always…

A quick history of soap

Known to Babylonians and many other populations three thousand years before Christ, soaps as we use them today come from the Arabian Peninsula and specifically Alep. Once luxury goods, soaps began to be produced industrially and therefore becamepopular in the XIX century, thanks to the progress in chemistry…

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